The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 22

12 The Art of Accompaniment understanding and articulation, the word mentor has been used to name the role of the one who accompanies. Most notably, mentor has been used by the Church in the synodal process of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, otherwise known as the 2018 Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. This term was used by both young adult leaders of the Church and the Synod Fathers to articulate the need for seasoned guides who walk with the faithful in the journey towards transformation in Christ. The term mentor is also multi-dimensional, and speaks to the variety of roles, gifts, and methods with which a mentor guides in the relation- ship of accompaniment. A mentor is a leader, guide, and teacher, but is also themselves a listener, student, and companion. Foremostly, a mentor is also accompanied by Christ, the Model Mentor. The One Accompanied The less seasoned or less experienced person guided by a mentor within the relationship of accompaniment is referred to as the one accompanied. Unlike the Church’s recent use of a particular term for the one who accom- panies, the terminology related to the one accompanied is less specifically defined, welcoming reflection upon the use of diverse terms according to the needs and expressions of particular communities within the Church. 2 The role of the one accompanied has particular characteristics which form a basis for this reflection. Apprenticeship and Learning Because accompaniment is a particular style of teaching, learning, growing into, and living the Christian life, it is itself a specific pedago- gy. Instead of merely teaching his disciples in an intellectual sense, Jesus models this pedagogy that sought to form his disciples in a holistic sense, gradually guiding them to take up the practices, beliefs, attitudes, and way of life involved in the Kingdom of God. Apprenticeship is an important way by which one can come to a deeply held and lived faith. In the Church’s ministry of catechesis, it leads not only to knowledge, but also to transfor- mation and mission: “[Apprenticeship] is a ‘complete Christian initiation’, 2 Please see the appendix for opportunities for reflection and further resources.