The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 117

Appendix 107 Practical Considerations Implementing the apostolate of accompaniment includes the consid- eration and discernment of many practical details. While accompaniment is a shared vision held by the Church, it looks different according to the conditions and context in which it is introduced. The following points help name the concrete details of the relationship of accompaniment, and may help frame conversations and dialogue about its implementation. Type of Relationship As mentioned in the main body of The Art of Accompaniment, accompa- niment can take many different shapes. In discerning the best way in which to implement accompaniment, it is helpful to identify the types of accompa- niment most fruitful for a particular community or institution. Identifying the most fruitful type of accompaniment enables a community to set clear goals, determine needs, and foster the conditions for an entire culture of accompaniment to take root. Formal A more formal relationship of accompaniment is one that is intention- ally established and supported by a network of resources. A formal relation- ship of accompaniment may be established as a component of formation, a particular program, or individual ministry. These formal relationships of accompaniment serve as a “training ground” for other, less formal rela- tionships within an institution in order to cultivate a culture of accompa- niment. Formal relationships of accompaniment may also be time-bound according to the duration of a period of formation, life stage, or training. Additionally, formal relationships of accompaniment might be character- ized by regular iterations of meetings between mentors and those accom- panied, on-going formation for mentors, and retreats/spiritual formation to enrich the relationship of mentor and those accompanied. Formal rela- tionships of accompaniment also might include personnel dedicated specif- ically to the facilitation of the apostolate accompaniment, specific materials that aid accompaniment, and a network of support for mentors and those accompanied.