4 The Art of Accompaniment
eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to con-
demn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
( John 3:16-17)
In Jesus’ ministry, the love of God continues to be offered to humanity
through relationship. In healing, preaching, teaching, and listening, Jesus
gives life and new hope to God’s people. Jesus also invites others into re-
lationship in order to draw them more closely to the love of God. In the
Gospel of Luke, Jesus sends out his 72 disciples in pairs (Luke 10:1). Jesus
proclaims in the Gospel of Matthew:
Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about any-
thing for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my
heavenly Father. (Matthew 18:19)
Jesus continues the relationship established by God the Father in the Old
Testament by not only offering his ministry as an example to be followed,
but also empowering his disciples to invite others into relationship.
After his death, Jesus walks with two disciples in their fear, confusion,
and uncertainty. On the road to Emmaus (Luke 24), Jesus encounters the
disciples in a moment of their lives when confusion and anxiety surrounded
them, literally meeting the disciples where they are. Jesus listens to the disciples’
fears and questions, walking with them with patience, respect, empathy,
and compassion. After encountering Jesus on the way and spending time
with him during their journey, the disciples desire to continue and deepen
the relationship. Because they are moved by his listening and teaching, the
disciples invite Jesus into their home where they are able to encounter him
in a deep way “in the breaking of the bread" (Luke 24:35). Jesus’ engage-
ment of the disciples where they are allows them to have renewed confidence
in God’s plans for them and their community. Jesus’ presence also leads
the disciples to desire more time with him, motivating them to invite him
into an even more personal space. The disciples’ journey with Jesus prepares
them to encounter him more deeply in the eucharistic meal, where they
receive full knowledge of him. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus restores the
disciples’ faith, emboldens them for mission, and reveals himself along the
After Jesus’ Ascension, the apostles continued proclaiming the Gospel
by teaching, preaching, and healing in teams of two. At Solomon’s Portico,