The arrival of the extraterrestrials | Page 8

state is eternal, just as life is eternal, therefore death it's just a mere formality for the spirit, as this is eternal life cannot arise from death. THE ORIGIN OF LIFE This is the most complex questions of the universe, so you cannot expect me a great answer about say that like life, that matter is not created nor destroyed only transformed, matter and vacuum form a binomial so that the vacuum no matter or material without the vacuum is not possible, arguably is a binary relationship of the polarities of nature are derived. The universe continues indefinitely in a process of creating worlds and destroying them, until the time, at the same time starts again from the beginning is over. In this cyclic process all beings are immersed and all experiences cosmos end are experienced by all in a process of continuous renewal. Living things in their essence can be divided into two groups: the planetary beings, leading to the formation of stars and planets and represent only one percent of the total. And spiritual beings, representing ninety nine remaining. Planetary beings are responsible for sustaining the spiritual cosmos and are responsible for developing the organic life evolved as human in order to reincarnate her later. Therefore it is no more than the other minerals planetary beings exist only in a very basic level, controlling the operation of the atoms without interfering with the lives of people. Eventually they rotate functions and perform the functions of each other, particularly in the next cosmic cycle. In this context God is nothing but the set of universal laws that among all beings are generated, although more accurately expressed through the planetary beings. Who comes to life, it is because he was formerly also live spiritually in the cosmos everything is life, even planets and are living stars, but in a mineral form, would be stupid to think that the earth could move through space from five billion years ago while defending that has no life itself, what kind of scientists have to defend such a thing. Are also naive who care to get eternal life of the body, they do not realize they already have a spirit that is.