The arrival of the extraterrestrials | Page 6

those who argued that birth control was necessary and who said that the planet always absorb any increase in population. But the truth is that only with the limitation to two children per couple is possible that the resources of society reach everyone in a sustainable manner. It is also true that social services should guarantee work and housing for all citizens. On earth there are many people who believe that ensuring basic rights for all citizens eradicate privileges, but it is actually quite the opposite, the best way to keep a privilege is not picking on the poor. Defend a market economy, but eradicating poverty, ensure centuries of progress that implanted societies. Of course those citizens who refused to accept state aid could not expect favoritism. END OF PROGRESS With this title I am not referring to the absolute end of progress, rather I mean the end of a historical process of evolution which initially starts off slow and then increasingly accelerated almost to a halt again, this marks the time when a planet reaches maturity, this on earth could be in the twenty-fifth century, although it is impossible to know exactly. The end of technological progress is followed by moral progress, since this is more complex than the last. MORAL PROGRESS The key to moral progress, is to assume that a civic behavior is the only solution to enable coexistence in a composed of millions of individuals society, it is imperative to eradicate despotic behavior on citizens to achieve this end. Vanity and arrogance are as diseases of the mind, but unlike other cured only with a firm attitude and little permissive governments before them weak policies that apply to offenders only get strengthened. This requires that civil liberties are developed at its best, so that only go to jail the real criminals. Failure to observe this only leads to the development of mafias as occurred in the United States with Prohibition.