The Archives Devotional Magazine June 2015 | Page 10
64 A.D.
The Great Fire of
Rome begins this
y e a r, d e s t r o y i n g
swaths of the city,
including The Circus
Maximus. The same
year, Nero begins his
first persecution
against Christians.
c. 63 A.D.
The Norse Skáldskaparmál are
written. These mythological writings
about Loki and other norse gods
were translated by Paul Du Chaillu.
65 A.D.
The Jews revolt against Rome and
capture the fortress of Antonia in
Jerusalem. The same year, Seneca
the Younger dies.
66 A.D.
The 5th recorded passing of Halley’s Comet. This
comet rolls by Earth every 75 years. It is named after
Edmond Halley, the astronomer who discovered it.
The first known observation of it was in 239 B.C.
by Chinese astronomers.
67 A.D.
The apostle Paul is beheaded under
Nero’s rule. The same year, Buddhism
is introduced to China in Luoyang.
66-73 A.D.
Rome decides to quash the Jewish rebellion in Judea.
Future emperors Vespasian and Titus lead armies from
town to town while the Jewish writer Josephus is captured,
and then defects, serving as Titus’ advisor during the siege
of Jerusalem. The fortress Jatapata falls, leading to the
destruction of The Second Temple and the collapse of
the Jewish state. The last stand of the Jews happens
at Masada in 73 A.D. Over the course of the war, 1
million Jews perish.
Read the scripture
First pray, then read. This week's
reading is Matthew 5-6.
Think about the text
What is the passage about? What
does it tell me about God the Father,
Jesus, the Holy Spirit? What does it
teach about life? Is there a
command? Example? Promise?
Warning? Error to avoid? What is the
main thing I can learn?
Apply it to life
Is there a call to action? A duty to
fulfill? A message to tell someone?
Try applying this passage to your life.
Maybe it’s an action, prayer, or a
personal change.