The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 34

turns to other trainers and has them model answers using different styles, from pleasant “that’s private” to brusk “buzz off.” Trainer explains: There is one exception to confidentiality. Sometimes we break confidentiality in order to protect people. For example if __Mary__ told me that __June__ told her confidentially that her house counselor was hitting her, __Mary__ and I would discuss who we needed to tell in order to protect __June__. We would probably talk to June about how we could help her. Discuss. If time permits, have a few participants act out the role play. Activity Strong Women Lay out on table a variety of pictures of women looking assertive, in non-traditional roles, etc. Ask participants to pick a picture of a women who they think is strong. Once everyone, including trainers, has picked a picture, have them describe why they think the women pictured is a strong woman. Have them post the pictures onto the strong women board as they describe the picture. Tell them that each week we will be adding more pictures to the strong women board and they are welcome to bring pictures they find of strong women. Pull up the Mission Statement on the flip chart and ask the group who would be a strong woman to represent the mission statement. Get some ideas and then have the group make a decision. For future classes put a picture of this women and the mission statement on poster board. (Note: Our pilot classes chose Zena the Warrior Princess, but each class should come up with their own symbol of female strength.) Check In Check-in Activity Explain that at the end of each class there will be a check-in activity to “check in” with each person and see how she feels and how the class was for her. Continuing Learning Project Before our next class, spend some time thinking about what makes you special. Page 34