The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 29

Orientation Objectives • • • To give participants information about the course To help participants get to know each other To help participants embrace the idea of difference Materials and Preparation • • • • Name tags Flip chart Markers Large pieces of butcher paper on the wall at eye level for each person Head and Shoulders Activity Questions “Be Yourself” Discussion Sheet Strong Women Pictures Listening Room Sign Mission Statement Personal SPACE class outline “Outsider” and “Class Member” necklaces “Quiet” graphic Strong women bulletin board Participant binders Refreshments • • • • • • • • • • • Opening Begin by warmly greeting each arriving class member, helping them to get name tags, and directing them to chairs organized in a circle or semi-circle. Trainers will each introduce themselves. Trainer will ask each participant to introduce themselves and state what they have been told about the purpose of the Personal SPACE Program. As participants state their understandings of the program’s purpose, a trainer records the responses using the flip chart. Explain that the Mission of the Personal SPACE Program as: “We are here to learn how to be strong women and how to protect ourselves.” As trainer says mission statement, flex arm in a muscle (“ learn how to be strong women…”) and put a hand in front as if to stop someone (“… and how to protect ourselves). Page 29