The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 27

Class Objectives Orientation: • To give participants information about the course • To help participants get to know each other • To help participants embrace the idea of difference, and concept of choice Sexuality: • To know their body parts • To know what parts of the body are private and which are public • To be able to define sexuality Healthy Relationships: • Be able to describe a healthy relationship • Describe the different types of relationships you have • Describe the appropriate kinds of touches for each relationship Sexual Harassment: • Know what sexual harassment is • Understand that sexual harassment is against their civil rights • Increase their assertiveness skills • Know the steps to take when sexually harassed Sexual Assault: • Know what sexual assault is • Understand that sexual assault is against the law • Know ways to prevent being sexually assaulted • Know what steps to take if they are sexually assaulted Domestic Violence: • Know what domestic violence is • Understand that domestic violence is against the law • Know ways to prevent domestic violence • Know what steps to take if they experience domestic violence When Someone Who Is Supporting You Hurts You • Define sexual abuse by direct care staff and others who provide support in daily living • Distinguish appropriate behavior from abusive behavior • Understand that violence by direct care staff and others who provide support in daily living is against the law • Know what steps to take if they are a victim of violence by direct care staff and others who provide support in daily living Safety Planning: • Know what a safety plan is • Know preventive safety strategies • Know ways to react in dangerous situations • Complete a safety card Page 27