The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 24

classes. Ask the participant for permission to contact her Trusted Friend so that you can let her know about the Personal SPACE Program and ask her to support the participant between classes. Ask the participant if she would mind whether her Trusted Friend also attends the classes (if the Trusted Friend wishes to). While some Trusted Friends will want to attend the Personal SPACE classes and should be encouraged to do so (with the permission of the participant), it is more likely that communication with Trusted Friends will occur when they drop off and come to pick up participants or in some other form. For this purpose, each lesson plan has a “Letter to Trusted Friends” that summarizes the subjects covered in the class and provides detail about the continuing learning activity. Because of the importance of the Trusted Friend it is important that she understand the basic principles of the Personal SPACE Program and what she is responsible for (i.e. meeting with the participant once a week to support them to complete the continuing learning activity). Since direct support staff can play a significant role, it is important that they and their employer feel a sense of ownership over the program and are supportive of the Program’s principles and goals. Program Surveys and Class Evaluations It is recommended that some amount of pre- and post– program surveying be done to evaluate both participant training needs and whether the program meets the desired learning outcomes. Prior to the first class, 6-12 survey questions should be drawn from the program survey in the Appendices and each participant should be individually surveyed. Have selfadvocate trainers do the surveys whenever possible; the interviewer and respondent should not know each other. Request permission before beginning the survey and let the respondent know that survey questions cover the subjects of sexuality and violence and that the same survey is being done before and after the program in order to assess whether the program helps people learn. Explain that the survey results are confidential and will only be seen by trainers. Completed surveys with identifying information should be stored or destroyed following p