The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 13

the curriculum. Comparing the pre- and post- program surveys for the same women also suggested that learning took place. The program changed participant attitudes more than it changed participant knowledge, and participant knowledge changed more than participant behavior. It is reasonable to think that an eight-week course designed for women with developmental disabilities might have greater impact on attitudes than on cognitive knowledge, and cognitive knowledge than on behavior. However, changes in attitudes and knowledge are frequently assumed to cause changes in behavior or practice. If so, the program can be one step in reducing the vulnerability of women with cognitive disabilities to violence and if provided at regular intervals on an on-going basis, could further influence attitudes, knowledge and behavior. The evaluation process used to gauge the success of this program has value for guiding others that implement the program, however it is recommended that the pre- and postprogram survey be modified to meet the needs of program participants. For the purpose of program development, implementation, and evaluation, the survey used during the two pilots was lengthy. The survey length did pose difficulties and it is therefore recommended that those implementing the program determine priority subject areas to be assessed using the survey as a model. Page 13