The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 10

While each class within the Personal SPACE Program has a set of distinct objectives, the overall program goals are that women completing the program: • • • • • • • • Are knowledgeable about their rights to privacy and to freedom from physical harm; Have a basic understanding of different types of violence; Are able to identify places or situations that might pose a threat to their safety; Are able to recognize common forms of sexual harassment; Show an understanding of what constitutes sexual assault or abuse; Are able to identify the common signs of an abuser and understand the cycle of domestic violence; Have a physical safety plan prepared, and; Have knowledge of local resources and people to whom they can turn to for assistance. In addition, it is hoped that participants will have: • • • • Increased self-confidence and self-control; Improved problem-solving and decision-making skills, including the ability to problem-solve with intimates; Heightened assertiveness and improved communication skills, and; Evidence of positive change in attitudes and behaviors relating to peers and intimate partners. Personal SPACE includes 8 interrelated lessons on gender violence prevention that should be considered a framework curriculum, meant to be adapted and modified to the learning styles of the individual or individuals participating. Women with developmental disabilities have a wide range of abilities and find themselves in a variety of living situations. We highly encourage the repetition, modification, and augmentation of classes if the individuals or groups you are teaching need extra practice or have needs in specific content areas. Included in the curriculum are: • Guidelines for class discussions, role playing activities, and using visual aides. • Select visual aides and information on where to obtain graphics and pictures to enhance the curriculum. • Sample scripts for role playing activities to reinforce class discussions. • Continuing Learning Projects to be done by participants between classes. • Sample letters for communicating with family members or staff who may be providing support to the class participant and who can help in the generalization of skills into daily activities. The first Personal Space Program pilot was held at The Arc of Southern Maryland in the Fall of 1999 and, following curriculum revisions, a second pilot was held at The Arc of Prince George’s County in the Spring of 2000. The curriculum is a product of the Gender Violence Prevention Research and Development Team, the women who attended classes, and the individual and organizational partners who assisted the Research and Development Team in its work. Page 10