The Arabic Institute 2017/18 Catalogues Individuals- Eastern Learner | Page 13

t TRACKS AND PACKAGES y class r u o ‫والحزم‬ ‫المسارات‬ TRACKS How it works? ONLINE OFFLINE FLIPPED FLIPPED CLASSROOM CLASSROOM With this track you and your group do not have to leave your place to join, only to be on time as the class goes live. You’ll view the lecture materials prior to the actual session, complete all the related activities and exercises, later and with your tutor, you’ll use your new diction and information to practice them freely with your tutor. You’ll view the lecture materials prior to the actual session, complete all the related activities and exercises, later on, you’ll activate and use your new diction and information to practice them freely with your tutor. PACAKGES (Prices per hour/student) 60 hours - NEW 65 SAR 79 SAR 80 hours 45 SAR 59 SAR 120 hours 25 SAR 39 SAR minimum of 5 and maximum of 9 students per class