The Apparatus Floor Issue 5 | Page 3

Metalfab Presents the 2021 Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship

This past month , Metalfab ’ s Business Development Manager , Ryan Stacey , and Paul Maynard of the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association ( CVFSA ) had the honor of presenting the fifth annual Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship to one very deserving local student . As an enthusiastic contributor to her school community and bold advocate for gender equality and mental health , the winner , we ’ re sure you ’ ll agree , was the perfect choice . Today , we ’ d like to share a little bit about the late Jim Hayter , the scholarship , and the praiseworthy winner .

Having served for 44 years — including 15 years as Fire Chief — with the Alvinston ( Ontario ) Fire Department , Jim Hayter was passionate about his fire service . He spoke with great respect and admiration for his crew and their work . Being Fire Chief wasn ’ t only a passion for him , it was also a great source of pride .
Ryan met Chief Hayter while working on a rescue unit for the Alvinston Fire Department almost 20 years ago . He remembers the Chief as being extremely welcoming and speaking to him as an equal despite his lack of experience at the time . Even after the unit was delivered , Hayter would have Ryan stop in for a visit every time he was in town .
Jim ’ s invitations for a “ quick chat ” would always , inevitably , turn into long conversations fuelled by his contagious passion . He loved to share stories about his role as Deputy Mayor of the CVFSA , his involvement with the “ Volunteer Voice ” and in many community events , and , of course , valuable time spent with his family .
Over the years , certain customers become friends , and Chief Hayter was just that : a friend to Metalfab and a friend to so many in the community . We are so happy we had the pleasure of getting to know the “ man behind the fireman ” before his passing in 2017 .
The Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship was designed to recognize the incredible legacy this man left behind while giving something back to the community in his honor .
Metalfab created the Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship in 2017 to recognize the passing of our valued customer and friend , Fire Chief Jim Hayter . The $ 1,500 scholarship is awarded each year based on an applicant ’ s involvement in their school and in the community . The funds must be used to pursue a recognized degree program at an accredited university or college .
In memory of Chief Hayter ’ s ardent involvement with CVFSA , the Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship is open exclusively to CVFSA members and their dependent children under the age of 25 . Each applicant is asked to submit a two-page essay on the importance of community involvement in their life . Academic standing as well as career and educational goals are also taken into consideration .
On August 17 , 2021 , the Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Port Hastings local Melissa MacPherson . Melissa comes from a long line of firefighters . She is the daughter of Nova Scotia Fire Department Captain Vince MacPherson and the granddaughter of former Port Hastings Fire Chief Ian MacPherson . Paired with her avid community involvement , Melissa was a natural choice as the scholarship ’ s recipient .
In the community , Melissa has advocated for inclusion and eliminating barriers to positive mental health through her involvement in the Walk for Autism and as a member of Jack . Org . She also works with children with mental and physical disabilities through private childcare and has volunteered with Jays Care Inverness-Richmond Challenger Baseball League , an adaptive baseball program designed to empower children living with disabilities .
In her school , Melissa was a photographer for the yearbook and helped run the annual Grad Variety Show . She also worked with the GSA to promote acceptance and equality for those in the LGBTQ + community .
Having demonstrated a fondness for the screen with her volunteering to run the lights and slideshow for “ One Hundred Thousand Welcomes ” put on by the Port Hawkesbury Theatre Society , working the control booth for school presentations , and putting footage together for various events , we weren ’ t surprised to find out Melissa will be pursuing a career in screen arts . She plans to put the scholarship proceeds towards tuition for her Screen Arts degree at the Nova Scotia Community College Ivany Campus . We wish you the best of luck in this and all your future endeavors , Melissa !
As an active member of the community , Metalfab is always seeking new ways to get involved . Creating the Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship in 2017 was one way we could give back while recognizing the passionate years of fire service and friendship Jim Hayter gave so many . If you have questions about the scholarship , a story to share about your own experience with Jim Hayter , or would like to hear more about what Metalfab is doing in the community , we would love to hear from you . You can reach out to Ryan Stacey directly by email at rastacey @ metalfabfiretrucks . com .