The Apostle's Path Magazine April 2017 | Page 4

The Simple Things in Life : Sermon for Annunciation
O pure Maid , you eluded nature ’ s laws , conceiving God in ways past understanding . You evaded things proper to mothers in childbirth , even if by nature you were prone to change .
We are again in deep awe at the profound yet simple events that happen at Annunciation . But the most important things in this life are very simple . The story line is straight forward : the young Virgin receives an angel and she accepts the task given to her . End of story . Yet on this very humble and natural acceptance lays the accomplishment of the ages old plan for the salvation of humankind . The simple becomes complex and the complex become simple .
The age-old mystery is revealed today , and the Son of God becomes the Son of man , so that by partaking of what is lower He may impart to me what is superior . Of old , Adam was deceived ; and he did not become God , though this was his desire . But now , God becomes man , to make Adam God .
Do we start now to realize the awesomeness of this simple encounter ? A simple yes and the insubordination of Eve is replaced by the obedience of Mary ; a simple yes and the Son of the most High is incarnate ; a simple yes and the Adam of old is replaced by the new Adam , Christ the Savior ; a simple Yes and the ages old plan for the salvation of mankind is accomplished .
But don ’ t be fooled by the brevity of the moment . Behind the simple acts a great mystery happens in that very moment because the Son and Word of God , Who existed before the ages , is conceived past speech and understanding , and became flesh in her immaculate body ( Luke 1:26-38 ).
Now we all wonder at how this happens , how did the Son of Uncontainable God , begotten already from the Father before all ages , comes to be conceived and contained in the womb of a virgin that has not known man ? How is this possible ?
The Virgin asked the same question “ How shall this be , since I do not know a man ?” ( Luke 1:34 ). The answer she gets just shows that not even the angel knew the depth of what was to happen ; he was just a messenger giving a general answer : “ The Holy Spirit shall come on you , and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you .” He gives her a bit more proof by mentioning the miraculous conception of the barren cousin Elisabeth but she had no way of verifying this . “ And behold , your cousin Elizabeth also conceived a son in her old age . And this is the sixth month with her who was called barren .” But he ends with the very essence of his reply “ For with God nothing shall be impossible .”( Luke 1:35-37 ) In other words it is God ’ s work , He will make it happen , He always does .
How many would have been happy with that answer ? Most would need more proof : how do I know you are an angel from the Lord , show me your ID ; how would the conceiving happen ; whose DNA the baby will have ; what does God overshadowing means etc . etc . The more questions one asks , however , the farther one gets get from the only important essence : God can do it . It is not important how , but it is important that it happens and , even more so , that at this moment the process of our salvation actually starts .
“ The Word became flesh ; that is , the Son of God , co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit , became human – having become incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary . O , wondrous , awesome and salvific mystery ! The One Who had no beginning took on a beginning according to humanity ; the One without flesh assumed flesh . God became man – without ceasing to be God . The Unapproachable One became approachable to all , in the aspect of an humble servant .”
St . John of Kronstadt , Sermon on the Nativity of Jesus Christ
But this did not happen at random , but at the right time as the prophets foretold throughout the centuries , preempting this event above all imagination :
When Jacob saw the ladder that prefigured you , he said , “ This is none other than the house of God .” ( Gen 28:17 )
The bush and the fire revealed to hierophantic Moses a strange sign . Seeking its fulfillment in the course of time , he uttered , shall see it fully in a Damsel pure .
You are called , by Daniel , Spiritual Mountain ; and the Mother of God , by
Isaiah ( Isa 49:1 ). Gideon perceives you as a
Fleece ( Jdg 6:37-40 . And by David you are called Holy Place , and Gate by Ezekiel ( Eze 44:1-2 ).
The Theotokos is the fulfillment of all the Law and the prophets , the people of Israel were waiting for this precious flower to bloom so the sweet fragrance of Salvation would be spread on all the earth .
The Holy Virgin is the link between the created and the uncreated world . She is the tongs that held the hot charcoal to the lips of Isaiah , taking away his sins “ Then one of the seraphs flew to me , having a live coal in his hand , snatched with tongs from the altar . And he laid it on my mouth and said , Lo , this has touched your lips ; and your iniquity is taken away , and your sin purged .” ( Isa 6:6-7 ). She is the one that brings God into the world so we can all partake of Him and have our sins forgiven by the One without Sin .
In her motherly love is again revealed the unfailing love of God for mankind . The Theotokos is the mediator and the intercessor for us all , in her our sins are forgiven , our burdens are lifted and salvation is accomplished . It is that simple ; just say : Most Holy Theotokos save us ! Don ’ t overcomplicate things but trust in her
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