The APDT Chronicle of the Dog Winter 2022 | Page 10


Take the time now to assess your goals for 2023 , but pencil in " Ferris Bueller " days in that calendar

It ’ s been quite a year , hasn ’ t it ? Actually , it ’ s been quite a few years since early in 2020 when COVID-19 affected literally everyone in the world . As we were setting-up registration in Daytona Beach , Florida back in October , it was surreal to recognize that it was three years since we last came together for an in-person APDT conference . It was great to see old friends , meet people we ’ ve only seen on Zoom , the APDT volunteers , the Border Collies , our exhibitors , etc . As we turn the calendar to 2023 , we should all be carrying positive momentum in the new year with our businesses , continuing professional education , customer service and our health .

Business : What lessons have you learned in running your business in 2022 and what have you applied over the past year ? Were there new opportunities that you pursued to grow your business ? I always advocate for a business owner to have a business plan in place , so you know where you want your business to be . Call it a business plan , a New Year ’ s resolution or something else , it ’ s time to set goals for your business in 2023 . Set goals , celebrate successes and be sure to remain nimble in an ever-changing world .
Continuing Professional Education : The majority of APDT members have achieved a professional certification or certifications to demonstrate their industry acumen . Others are either in the process of taking a certification exam or working their way towards the requirements of an industry certification . Even after you attain an industry certification , be sure to continue your education in this industry . Make a plan for your continuing education and set aside time in 2023 to attend conference , listen to webinars , read a book by an industry expert , or even read white papers of research being conducted by universities in dog training and behavior . customers ? You can create marketing materials , brochures , social media posts , Tik Tok videos , etc ., but if you are not providing the ROI ( return on investment ) for what your customers expect from your services , none of that will matter . As you create your business plan for 2023 , think about how your customers perceive your business and if there are things you can do to increase their satisfaction level .
Health : We do our best when we are at full strength . Take care of yourself and set healthy goals for 2023 . We all know New Year ’ s resolutions are setup to fail since they are mostly unrealistic and a complete 360 from our lives , so instead make attainable health goals for yourself . Everyone has their own ways to motivate themselves to get or stay healthy , so do what works best for you and be proud of yourself when you meet these goals , no matter the size of the goal .
My favorite movie from the 80 ’ s is “ Ferris Bueller ’ s Day Off .” The quote from Ferris in the movie that most resonates with me is , “ Life moves pretty fast . If you don ’ t stop and look around once in a while , you could miss it .” Enjoy the journey and continue to be the best trainer that you can .
Wishing you success , health and happiness in 2023 !
David Feldner david . feldner @ apdt . com
Customer Service : How do you measure customer satisfaction with your services ? Do you recognize your clients only when you are training their dog , or do you recognize them in other ways ? Are you getting new business through referrals from current and past
8 Building Better Trainers Through Education