The Anatomy of Working out with Weights The Anatomy of Working out with Weights | Page 8

Chapter 5

Suggested workout schedule

Day 5—Friday, Workout #3

Standing Barbell Curls (Biceps)

3 x 15 / 3-0-2 tempo

Preacher Curls

3-4 x 10-12 / 4-0-3 tempo

Seated Dumbbell Curls

2-3 x 8-12 (each arm) / 2-0-2 tempo

Overhead Triceps Extensions (Triceps)

3 x 15 or to total failure / 4-1-2 tempo

Lying Overhead Triceps Extensions

4-6 x 15 / 4-1-4 tempo

Cable Rope Extensions

3 x 10-15 reps / 3-2-3 tempo

Day 7—Sunday, Workout #4

Free-Weight Squats (Sartorius/Rectus Femoris)

Sometimes, just for the sake of variety, I'll use squats as my only exercise.

6-12 x 4-6 to 12-15 / 3-0-3 tempo

(Take about three minutes to fully recuperate between sets if you're really working out hard.)

Or Leg Presses

(I recommend using this exercise every third workout instead of squatting.)

4-8 x 8-15 / 2-0-2 or 2-0-1 tempo

(Again, take about three minutes to fully recuperate between sets.)

Dumbbell Lunges

3-4 x 10-15 Or 1 to failure for a burnout at the end of the leg workout / 2-0-2 tempo

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

3-4 x 8-15 / 3-0-3 tempo

Or Lying Leg Curls

3-6 x 8-10 / 2-0-2 to 4-0-4 tempo

Seated Calf Raises (Gastrocnemius)

3-4 x 12 / 3-0-1 tempo

Or Standing Heel Raises

3-4 x 8 / 3-0-1 tempo