The Anatomy of C.R.A.M.: The Prologue June 2021 | Page 8

The Mandelbrot Set : Where do all consciousness lead to ?

Where are you ?
Where are you experiencing yourself ?
Where are you experiencing your body ?
Where are you experiencing your thoughts ?
Where are you experiencing yourself and I ?
Soften your eyes and experience the space we are in . Can you experience it ?
Where does this awareness exist ?
This experience of the material world is the result of our inner world of thoughts , feelings , imagination , creativity , mind , intellect and ego . That in turn is coming from the field of awareness in which the whole universe arises and subsides . Where your awareness and my awareness come together is the universe . The body is in us , the mind is in us , the universe is in us . The only true definition of you is that you are the universe .
POINT : Locate the self . Where is it ?