The American Women VOL 1 | Page 14

n 9 o 3 i 9 s 1 s - e r 29 Hard Times 19 t Dep a e r G We’ve hit hard times. Your children might be hungry. You might be juggling your family and several live-in boarders at the same time. Your husband could be out of work. Every person in this country is facing their own set of difficulties, and we are here to support you! We know that sewing materials and fabric are difficult to come b y. T h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g t o remember is the motto of this decade: “repair, reuse, make do, and don’t throw anything away.” There is no shame in mending socks, sewing patches over holes, and handing down clothing to younger siblings. Even if money is scarce, it is still possible to look presentable. To reuse, you can make lightweight dresses out of flour sacks! Don’t worry, because many flour companies are designing new patterns on their sacks. The company’s logo is in v