The Alfred's News | Page 3

Club Notices

Club Moorings Available
The Club is currently seeking expressions of interest from members who may wish to occupy a Club mooring . The Club moorings are situated in front of the marina and north of the breakwall (“ G ” arm ) and currently the Club has available mooring number 7 ( suitable for a 45 ’ -50 ’ vessel ) and mooring number 16 ( suitable for a 50 ’ - 60 ’ vessel ). If you are interested please contact the Waterfront Department , email waterfront @ rpayc . com . au or telephone ( 02 ) 9998 3741 .
Members Cards
All Members ( particularly youth members ) who have an old photo on their Membership Card that needs updating , please see reception who will take a new photo and print you out a new card .
Boats for hire
The Club ’ s Elliott 7s and Etchell , PAM , are available for hire . For more information and availability , contact the Sailing Office on 99983700 or email sailing @ rpayc . com . au
Boatyard Notice
Boatyard bookings are coming in thick and fast for both the yard and our tenants with current availability 12 weeks in advance at around mid-November . If you are wanting your boat ready in time for Christmas and those all-important summer holidays it ’ s highly recommended to book as soon as possible to ensure there are no delays to your summer plans . For more information call Monique on 9998 3751 or email boatyard @ rpayc . com . au
2016 / 17 Sailing Handbook
The Club ’ s comprehensive Sailing Calendar and handbook is now available from the Sailing Office for $ 22 . There is also an electronic version which can be downloaded from the Club ’ s website .
http :// www . rpayc . com . au / images / yachting / Handbook / 2016-17 / RPAYC _ Handbook _ 2016-full-amended . pdf
The Club goes green with worms
Did know it ’ s estimated that Australia wastes up to 4 million tonnes of food each year ? The Club , with the help of Edge Environment have installed a new worm-farm at the back of Halyards to make use of the food preparation waste from the kitchen . Things like lettuce stems , banana peels and zucchini ends will be chucked in there for the thousands of little worms to feast on . Within seven months ’ time the worms will have produced their own waste product from their food which inturn is excellent fertilizer for the garden ! At around February / March 2017 the cycle will be complete and the Club will have a free flowing supply of fertilizer , a great alternative than simply throwing it away .