The Alfred's News Alfreds News MAY 2017 | Page 8

Cruising We had a cruise to Sydney Harbour planned for Easter and it was unusual not to have to cancel it due to the weather. Twelve boats enjoyed perfect weather this time and one of the most relaxing trips to Sydney we can remember. After a pleasant sail to the Harbour on Friday we had dinner at the Woolwich Pub. On day two we took the ferry to Cockatoo Island. We were going to do the audio tour but we were lucky enough to have Eoin Asker (thanks Eoin) who kindly gave us or own private tour. Not only did we save $5 but he gave us a real insight to the Island from a naval perspective. Day three we went to the fish markets (thanks Greg and Margaret) and bought $300 worth of seafood for our causal BBQ lunch. Tony Nossiter has been talking about Hen and Chicken Bay as a good venue for some time, and it didn’t disappoint. It was great to go up towards Parramatta for a change with a good anchorage. That night we had drinks on Heaven Gate. Monday saw most leave for home while others managed to enjoy Sydney for a few more days. I ended up at Balmoral on Monday night and after walking past the restaurants, I reflected on the fact that for $35 I could get an entrée with 4 prawns and the day before for $35.00 a double we had oysters, fresh prawns, cooked green prawns half a salmon cooked on the BBQ. Life’s tough when you’re cruising with friends. April First Friday was the launch of the Mariner Rally to Mallorca - all the details are on the club website. May First Friday sees the farewell for those doing the Coral Coast cruise as well as a presentation by Jim and Ann Rennie on their cruise to the Whitsundays. Seventeen boats will venture north this year for this Sesquicentenary Cruise - you can follow them on the Alfreds Cruising face book page - we wish them all a great and safe trip. Boats joining the Cruise are Barrenjoey Light, Jacks Back, Nova, Billabong, Unruffled, Southern Belle, Meri Tuuli, Echo Beach, Dalwhinnie, Victory, Ngak Ngak, Isabella, Passport, Hypnotic, Whisky Business, Jazzamatazz, and Nirvana’s Kitchen. At June First Friday we will hear from Di Fitzgerald and Bruce Jameson on sailing their catamaran ‘Toucan’ back from the east coast of the USA. A night not to be missed. Your Cruise Committee welcomes your feedback on all matters on cruising at our Club, and will be launching an online suggestion box. The committee is Leon Wilson RCC, Ann Asker, Judy Readman, Mark Stephens, Patrick Tansey, Greg Dunstan, Doug Coombes, John Groves and David Williams.