The Alfred's News Alfreds News December-January 2017-2018 | Page 11
“Highlights for us were the few days before the race on Pittwater and the RPAYC hospitality, getting a new boat speed record,
finishing the race with less crew than ideal and the SYC hospitality on arrival with the tender to guide us to our berth (at
10.30pm) and a cold case of beer!”
Occasional Coarse Language One owner, Robert Alder and crew said they enjoyed the run north this year and will definitely
be back next year to defend her two years of first yacht under 45 feet. “We would like to attempt the triumvirate,” said
“We would like to thank the weather gods granting us a downwind race from Port Stephens as we love to surf at 175 true in
20 knots plus, sailing above our Polars most of the ride north.
“Thanks to all crew and particularly Navigator Frank Walker as we sailed the shortest distance of all yachts, and found the
best breeze and minimum adverse currents all the way.
We broke racing rule one and let the owners steer all race, so thanks to co owner Bill Bailey who steered half the race and
whose shoulders are no doubt as sore as mine as a 40 foot yacht with a tiller at 175 degrees in 25 knots with the S2 or 3 can
be a handful at times.
“I think we only laid her over four times during the race, and unlike last year where we blew up both kites, we had no
breakages this year, so well done crew - Frank, Bob, Beth, Bridget, Max and Woz, Michael.”
Figure 7 - The Team from Occasional Course Language, Crowned the 2018 Sail Paradise overall Champions