The Alfred's Magazine 2020-21-2022 | Page 31

The Clubmanship Trophy


The Clubmanship Trophy is awarded by the Commodore and recognises the efforts of Members who have , over a period of many years , made a significant contribution to the Club across a range of activities . Desirably these not only include direct Member activities but also services to the Club in developing the physical and human capital of the Club .
2021 - Angus Gordon OAM
Commodore Allen Stormon awarded the 2021 Clubmanship trophy to Angus Gordon OAM .
Commodore said “ Angus was an integral part of the start of the club ’ s sail training and youth development programs . He has been a volunteer in many facets of the club , working and supporting his fellow members for many , many years and ensuring enjoyment of our club and its facilities for all members . Always willing to pass on his vast knowledge to assist the club , he recently accepted the board ’ s call to assist his club again by serving as an interim director , greatly assisting with the clubs foreshore lease renewal process . A past Commodore and the original proposer of this wonderful award , Angus is a worthy recipient .”
2022 - Bill Ebsray
2020 - Robert Bennett
The Alfred ’ s Annual 2020 - 2022 31