The African Business Review May-Jun 2014 | Seite 21

1. Exchange rates should be used to rebalance the economic growth: The African Business Review App Available now for iPad In countries where the terms of trade deteriorated, real exchange rates will have to depreciate to preserve macroeconomic stability. Countries with exchange rate flexibility should let the nominal exchange rate depreciate while keeping fiscal and monetary policies sufficiently tight to avoid devaluation –inflation spiral. 2. Need for Judicious use of the fiscal space Fiscal responses should be tailored to specific country circumstances. There may be scope for a fiscal stimulus in some countries but, in many other countries, this option may not be available due to already weakened fiscal positions and concerns regarding fiscal sustainability. In some countries, there may even be a need for fiscal consolidation. In all cases, spending plans should be cast in a medium-term context, with targeted measures to protect the most vulnerable. 3. Need to monitor the balance sheets of financial institutions Governments of African countries should identify the vulnerabilities of the banking system and plan how they will react should a banking crisis erupt. The liquidity and usability of reserve assets, the status of non-performing loans in the banking sector and the availability of trade credit deserve some particular attention. 4. Focus on Medium-term goals The gloomy environment puts an even higher premium on keeping African economies in a stable form. It is now important to make every effort to move ahead with the planned structural reforms. The current crisis should be seen as an opportunity to foster domestic consensus for urgently needed reforms in Africa. References Balogun ED (2009): ‘Determinants of West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)