The AEA Magazine Community and sports development | Page 2

Introduction The Community and School Sports Department (CSSD) use the power of sport to make a positive impact in Jersey’s community. By using an integrated approach to providing sport and physical activity in key locations our vision is: ‘To ensure all young people in Jersey can be physically active, safe and reduce their potential involvement in crime and anti-social behaviour.’ Following on from the work of the original Sport and Leisure Department Strategy (published in 2001), ESC’s ‘Fit for the Future’ strategy (2014 – 2018) now provides a vision and clear direction to increase the levels of sport and physical activity in Jersey. It is from within this strategy that the contribution of the CSSD is set out. During the consultation process for this new strategy the work of the CSSD was praised by respondents who described it as ‘superb’ and ‘invaluable’. There was also clear support for the continuation and, if possible, expansion of our service. This positive feedback resulted in our department receiving additional funding to increase our existing services for the next two years. This will allow us meet the needs of our users who provide regular feedback, particularly around the need to extend our holiday course provision and community sports courses. The purpose of this CSSD Business Plan 2014 – 2015 is to provide the strategic direction for our department to meet the aims and objectives set within the Fit for the Future Strategy. In doing this we can achieve its desired ambitions, in particular: • • To encourage children to take up sport at an early age To ensure all young people have opportunities to engage in physical activity • To ensure all young people become competent swimmers and are safe in the water and sea This document will clearly demonstrate how our projects can impact on social policy over the next two years. We have also included specific targets which will show how we measure the effectiveness of what we do. For example, by increasing our network of groups and agencies who understand local issues (and how they change), we will be able to engage more people who would not traditionally take part in sport.