Solution-Focused Brief Therapy With Grieving
Eastern Orthodox Arabs continued from page 22
Utilizing religious faith as a source of strength and coping
Consider regarding a bereaved client ’ s religious and spiritual beliefs as a strength that the client already possesses for overcoming grief . Bereavement goes beyond the individual or the family inflicted with the loss ; it involves the religious community , which is expected to support the person who has passed away by aiding the bereaved and helping them cope .
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy ( SFBT ) can enable clients to observe their own self , possibly through the lens of their religious beliefs . Christians , as well as followers of other faiths , believe in God ’ s power to provide solutions to their problems . Christian LCMHCs who counsel Christian clients can integrate Christian values into an SFBT approach that can help clients accept the death of a loved one and regain a positive view of the world .
The importance of the here-and-now is common to both belief in the Kingdom of God and the SFBT therapeutic approach , which “ incorporates positive psychology principles and practices , and which helps clients change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems ,” according to the Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy , solutionfocused . net / what-is-solutionfocused-therapy .
We encourage Arab Americans to seek therapeutic treatment for grief . Likewise , we encourage Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors to be mindful not to perpetuate the stigma and prejudices that are already present surrounding Arab Americans . Multicultural considerations in therapy are necessary , regardless of setting or population , both of which are gravely important , according to a 2020 American Journal of Family Therapy article on clinical implications for multiracial individuals , bit . ly / 41l5Izw .
We ask that scholars conduct research on effective , culturally informed counseling approaches for grieving clients — specifically , quantitative and qualitative studies . For example , a qualitative , phenomenological study could help LCMHCs understand Arab Americans ’ lived experiences with death , grief and loss , coping mechanisms , and religious beliefs about death . Notably , a lack of empirical studies exists on the Eastern Orthodox Christian perspective related to these topics , showcasing the need for awareness of death and grief through not only the Arab perspective , but through a religious lens as well .
Resources on Therapy , Grief , and Culture
• What is Solution-Focused Therapy ? Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy solutionfocused . net / what-is-solutionfocused-therapy
• Coriell , E . ( 2021 ). Greek Orthodox Funerals : Traditions & Etiquette | Cake Blog www . joincake . com / blog / greek-orthodox-funeral
• De Stefano , R ., et al . ( 2020 ). Complicated grief : A systematic review of the last 20 years . International Journal of Social Psychiatry , 67 , 492 – 499 . bit . ly / 3UB8PRR
• Funeralwise ( 2018 ). Christian Orthodox funeral service rituals . Funeralwise . www . funeralwise . com / customs / christ _ orthodox
• Finney , N ., et al . ( 2020 ). Clinical implications for multiracial individuals . American Journal of Family Therapy , 48 ( 3 ), 271 – 282 . https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 01926187.2019.1709581
• King , K . M . & Delgado , H . ( 2021 ) Losing a family member to incarceration : Grief and resilience . Journal of Loss and Trauma , 26 ( 5 ), 436 – 450 . https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 15325024.2020.1816753
• Kulwicki , A . D . ( 2021 ). People of Arab heritage . In Textbook for Transcultural Health Care : A Population Approach ( pp . 251 – 276 ). Springer , Cham .
• Matthews , A . ( 2019 ). Writing through grief : Using autoethnography to help process grief after the death of a loved one . Methodological Innovations , 12 ( 3 ). https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 2059799119889569
• Moore , S . E ., et al . ( 2020 ). Cultural responses to loss and grief among Black Americans : Theory and practice implications for clinicians . Death Studies . https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 07481187.2020.1725930
• Szuhany , K . L ., et al . ( 2020 ). Impact of sleep on complicated grief severity and outcomes . Depression and Anxiety , 37 ( 1 ), 73 – 80 . https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / da . 22929
The Advocate Magazine 2023 , Issue # 1 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org 23