Ethical Self-Care and Client Care in a Crisis
AMHCA Ethics Code on Technology
Ethical Self-Care and Client Care in a Crisis
How to keep you rself — and your practice — thriving
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Front , and Chill Drills . Or choose a free “ resilience tool ” from Military OneSource such as CoachHub , MoodHacker , and Love Every Day . Look online for an app that can promote deep breathing , monitor moods , change behaviors , monitor anxiety , and promote the development of appropriate coping skills . Another type of app is the Virtual Hope Box , which allows users to capture photographs , quotes , and other mementos to save in one location to refer to during difficult times .
2 . Positive News Networks : Since so much of the news during the pandemic was depressing and sad , several innovators took the opportunity to focus on good news . Out of the pandemic sprung news organizations and news websites such as :
Good News Network : Reports of good news that mainstream media ignores ,
The Optimist Daily : News focused on solutions rather than problems ,
The Daily Good : Articles and stories on positive daily events , and the similarly focused : The-Daily-Good . com , and
ServiceSpace : Acts of kindness and generosity to promote those same traits in its readers .
LCMHCs who want a completely different worldview than the one most of us are presented with daily will find refreshing perspectives in these new media outlets .
3 . Professional Practice : e-Professionalism : As LCMHCs , we practice e-professionalism in the way we engage online in relation to our profession . This incorporates our attitudes , actions , and adherence to professional codes of conduct while communicating on electronic or digital platforms . It also includes our use of social media and social networking sites . As LCMHCs , we are applying the professional standards , principles , and behaviors in the online realm , aligning with the values and expectations of the counseling profession .
Practicing e-professionalism yields four main benefits , spelled out in a 2023 article in the Journal of Dentistry & Medical Research , and adapted here for LCMHCs :
LCMHCs establish and maintain a positive online presence that adds to their professional reputation and credibility
E-professionalism allows for effective communication and dissemination of mental health information through the counselor ’ s expertise
The use of social media and other digital platforms can
allow mental health counselors to reach a wider audience , share evidence-based information , and promote health literacy and
Mental health counselors can engage in professional networking , collaboration , and knowledge exchange with peers worldwide .
4 . AMHCA Code on Technology : Read , understand , and implement the AMHCA Code of Ethics ( Revised 2020 ) on “ The Use of Technology Supported Counseling and Communications ( TSCC ), Section 6 , pages 6-7 . Download AMHCA ’ s Code of Ethics free .
See the box below for a partial excerpt on guidance on the use of technology from AMHCA ’ s Ethics Code . Mental health counselors are on the cutting-edge of helping this code to evolve as the technology and counselors use of it does . Coun-
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AMHCA Ethics Code on Technology
AMHCA ’ s Ethics Code includes information on “ The Use of Technology Supported Counseling and Communications ” ( TSCC ) under Section I ( Commitment to Clients ), Part B ( Counseling Process ), # 6 .
The TSCC section includes the proviso that : Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors “ need to be familiar with state laws and regulations in both the state in which the CMHC is licensed and the state in which the client is presently located .”
Click here to download a free copy of AMHCA ’ s Code of Ethics .
AMHCA Code of Ethics
Revised 2015 , 2020
See page 6 in this issue on using AI ( artificial intelligence ) ethically .
The Advocate Magazine 2024 , Issue # 1 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) ww . amhca . org 13