When it comes to counseling professional athletes and celebrities , there are unique challenges that require specialized approaches . These individuals lead high-pressure lives , face intense scrutiny , and experience a range of emotions that come with their demanding careers . As a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor ( LCMHC ), it ’ s essential that you understand the best practices that can help you provide effective support and guidance .
The following strategies and techniques can make a positive difference when counseling professional athletes and celebrities .
1 . Building Trust and Confidentiality
Establishing trust is crucial when counseling professional athletes and celebrities . These individuals often have concerns about privacy and confidentiality due to their high-profile status . Assure them of your commitment to maintaining confidentiality , emphasizing the ethical standards you adhere to , including the AMHCA Code of Ethics , https :// www . amhca . org / events / publications / ethics . Foster an environment of trust by actively listening , showing empathy , and validating their experiences .
2 . Demonstrating Cultural Competence and Awareness
LCMHCs working with professional athletes and celebrities should be culturally competent and aware . This means understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals from different backgrounds and being sensitive to their specific needs .
Familiarize yourself with their cultural values , beliefs , and norms so that you are able to provide appropriate and effective counseling .
Counseling Tips 10 Best Practices for Counseling Professional Athletes and Celebrities
Luis Hines , PhD , LMHC , LPC , is a licensed mental health and professional counselor in three states ( Florida , Georgia , and Texas ) with five locations . The primary owner of Dr . Luis Hines and Associates , located in Coral Gables , Florida , Dr . Hines has been in private practice for over 20 years working with the general populations , professional athletes , and celebrities . He has been a guest therapist on two reality TV shows (“ Jim & Chrissy : Vow or Never ” and “ Cartel Crew ”), he is a mental health provider for the National Football League , and he currently serves on AMHCA ’ s board of directors as Director-at-Large .
3 . Recognizing the Pressure and Stressors on High-Profile Clients
Professional athletes and celebrities face immense pressure and stress from various sources — including media scrutiny , performance expectations , and personal relationships . Acknowledge these stressors and help them develop healthy coping mechanisms . Teach relaxation techniques , stress management strategies , and mindfulness exercises that can empower them to navigate challenges more effectively . These include :
• Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction ( MBSR ) Programs : bit . ly / 49LCG0W ,
• Headspace for Sport app , for athletes and sports professionals : bit . ly / 3sB6MDX
• Calm for Athletes app : https :// www . calm . com
• Sports Psychology Organizations , such as the Association for Applied Sport Psychology ( AASP ): https :// appliedsportpsych . org /
• Sports Psychology Books : Recommended titles include these three , but there are many others : continued on page 9
8 The Advocate Magazine 2023 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org
“ The Mindful Athlete ,” by George Mumford
“ The Inner Game of Tennis ” by Timothy Gallwey
“ With Winning in Mind ” by Lanny Bassham
• Professional Associations : Consider joining or exploring resources from professional associations like the American Psychological Association ( APA ) or the International Society of Sports Psychology ( ISSP ), which often provide information and research on sports psychology and mental training .
• Online Courses : Websites like Coursera ( https :// www . coursera . org /) and edX ( https :// www . edx . org /) offer relevant courses on sports psychology and mindfulness that you can find in their online catalogs .
• Mental Health Professionals : For example , sports psychologists or licensed therapists who specialize in working with athletes and celebrities can provide personalized guidance and resources tailored to specific individuals .
• YouTube and Podcasts : Many YouTube channels and podcasts feature discussions and guided exercises related to sports psychology , relaxation , and mindfulness . In addition , some may feature content from experts in the field .
4 . Understanding Confidentiality Agreements and Legal Considerations
When counseling high-profile individuals , it ’ s essential to understand the legal aspects and confidentiality agreements that may be in place . Familiarize yourself with relevant laws and regulations to ensure you provide counseling within the confines of the law . Discuss any necessary disclosures and the limits of confidenti-