Join AMHCA Leadersip — You Can Make a Difference !
By Fredrick Dombrowski , PhD , LMHC , CASAC-M , LPC , LADC , NCC , CCMHC , MAC , ACS , BC-TMH , HS- BCP , ICADC , DCMHS . Dr . Dombrowski is AMHCA ’ s Past President , 2023 – 2024 .
AMHCA is fortunate to have members in the United States and from countries around the globe . We are proud that our membership reflects the diverse nature of clinical mental health counseling . Our members , experts in various fields of mental health , are daily improving the lives of their clients and the communities they serve .
Each AMHCA member has a voice and as such , AMHCA models inclusion by asking for the voices of our members to be represented in AMHCA leadership . Please consider serving in AMHCA leadership . There are multiple instances to serve — such as by joining a committee , chairing a committee , becoming a board member , and becoming president . Check out some of our committees and task forces at https :// www . amhca . org / about / governance .
Each individual member of AMHCA truly matters . Your voice , your expertise , and your passion can help move AMHCA
FREE Webinar : Learn About the Medicare Enrollment Process
Watch the free webinar , “ Medicare 601 : The Enrollment Process for Counselors and MFTs ,” sponsored by AMHCA and the Medicare Mental Health Workforce Coalition .
To watch the webinar , which took place Nov . 17 , visit bit . ly / 3Nht0Sz . View the powerpoints from the webinar at bit . ly / 46yjaCA .
For more on LCMHC Medicare status , Medicare physician fees , and working with Medicare patients and clients , visit amhca . org / advocacy / medicare . into the future . The role of AMHCA ’ s past president is to help establish and create connections to support AMHCA ’ s future . If you are interested in serving , interested in helping with leadership recruitment , or have questions , please contact me at freddombrowski @ gmail . com .
AMHCA will be sending out a call for nominations in the near future . Be on the lookout for the nominations information , or go to https :// www . amhca . org / about / governance .
Expand Your Practice : Support the Counseling Compact in Your State
By Beverly Smith , PhD , LPC , NCC , CCMHC , ACS , NCSC , CFT , HS-BCP , BCC , MAC , BC-TMH , CCTP , BCPCC . Dr . Smith was AMHCA President , 2021 – 2022 , and is now Interim CEO / ED .
The full benefits of the Counseling Compact are all yet to be recognized , but they include :
• Greater individual and family access to mental health services offered by licensed counselors
• Consistently high standards of public health safety in the participating states
• Continuity of care for patients who need continuing mental health counseling when patients or counselors relocate or travel to other states
• Military personnel and spouses to maintain their licenses to practice when relocating so that their services are readily available to the public
• Increased mobility for fully licensed clinical mental health counselors
• State licensure that is preserved and strengthened in the respective participating states
AMHCA is an active ex-officio member of the Counseling Compact Commission , the legal governing body of the Counseling Compact . Three other ex-officio organization members are : The American Counseling Association ( ACA ), the National Board for Certified Counselors ( NBCC ), and the American Association of State Counseling Boards ( AASCB ).
If your state has not enacted the Counseling Compact , contact AMHCA for a team of experienced LPCs / LMHCs ( the AMHCA Compact specialists ) who can provide guidance through the process . For more information , see my column on page 5 , and visit www . counselingcompact . org .
2023 AMHCA Standards Includes Standard on ‘ Affectional Identity ”
“ In an effort to articulate the distinction between gender and affectional or other identities , AMHCA has taken the pioneering approach of differentiating the standards ,” states the first line of AMHCA ’ s newest practice standard : Affectional Identity Counseling Standards and Competencies .
The Gender Identity Counseling Standard was incorporated into the 2021 edition of The AMHCA Standards for the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling , which identifies and describes the norms within the profession .
“ I am proud of the work and the message and support that this sends to both AMHCA members and the mental health community at large ,” said Judith Harrington , PhD , LPC-S , LMFT , AMHCA chair of the Advancement for Clinical Practice Committee . She thanked Cole Timonere , JD , and Joni McLeod , LMHC , coauthors of the new standard as well as the Gender Identity standard . Download the 2023 AMHCA Standards , free , at www . amhca . org / publications / standards .
6 The Advocate Magazine 2023 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org