When I learned that Amtrak provided service from Birmingham to New Orleans , it made sense not to be in a Big Hurry to travel to The Big Easy for AMHCA ’ s conference . Though flying reduces travel time , you still have to arrive two hours before the flight , remove your shoes , slog through a line , get your body scanned , wait at the gate , board the flight , and sit right up against fellow passengers in a cramped space . Then when you land , you must scramble with other people to ( hopefully ) retrieve your bag ( s ).
In contrast , taking a train is simple . The main effort is arriving reasonably ahead of departure time — there ’ s no baggage scanning , and no rush to take off your shoes , empty your pockets , or shuffle through a scanner . The seats on the train are huge , with so much room overhead and around my seat that I could keep my backpack and suitcase with me . Three family members and I traveled at a fraction of the cost of flying . We walked to the dining car , and got up and stretched every time our watches said , “ Time to stand .” We had the freedom to move , relax , and enjoy the trip . We had plenty of time to plan which conference presentations to attend and identify places to eat and , for some of us , places to shop during the conference — an excellent trip to The Big Easy . Deciding which sessions to attend among many pertinent topics was challenging , but it was great to see the diversity .
Claims Made by Presenters : Backed by Data
As chair of AMHCA ’ s Public Awareness Committee , I was interested in topics to raise public awareness about such as PTSD , the efficacy of clinical mental health counseling , and ways to reduce the stigma of mental illness .
The presentation on PTSD and women veterans by Jennifer Roby , LPC , NCC , BC-TMH , CMHC , CCTP , CEAP , C-PD , C-DBT , grabbed my attention . I live about three miles from Redstone Arsenal , where active and retired military work or live in the area , so I have worked with several men with PTSD , encompassing their time in Vietnam , the Gulf Wars , and Syria . I have worked with a few women veterans whose emotional wounds often resulted from their experiences with ranking officers or male soldier colleagues . I wanted to learn whatever Jennifer had to share . Like her results , most of the results I heard came from dependable sources .
Member Reflections
AMHCA at ‘ The Big Easy ’ — The 2023 Annual Conference
David Barnhart , EdD , LPC , CCMHC , completed his doctorate at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University . A former chair of the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling , he has been in the private practice of counseling since 1978 . Dr . Barnhart developed Behavioral Sciences ’ Intensive Outpatient Program for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder . Behavioral Sciences is an institutional member of the International OCD Foundation . He authored the workbook , Writing and Living Your Fears Away , written especially for clients dealing with stress , anxiety , and OCD .
Looking Back on AMHCA ’ s 2023 Annual Conference
See the special conference section on pages 10 – 23 .
The Most Impressive Aspect of the Conference ?
To me , it was the quality of the AMHCA membership . I have been in private practice since 1979 , so I have witnessed our profession ’ s development over more than 40 years . I am thrilled to have been a part of the tremendous growth and development of the counseling profession . Witnessing the transformation from the American Personnel and Guidance Association to the American Association of Counseling and Development and finally to the American Counseling Association has been extraordinary . After completing my doctoral work in 1978 , I am proud that I have always supported the profession , checking the box for the American Mental Health Counselors Association on my ACA membership renewal every year . Seeing that our mental health counseling profession now boasts a unique and well-defined identity fills me with immense joy . I eagerly anticipate the honor of mentoring and guiding new professional counselors each year .
Alabama was the third state to establish a license to practice , and I served on the Board of Examiners as a member and chair in some of those early years . Our clinicians ’ emphasis on supervised experience has resulted in mental health therapists who are as effective as any other professional group . I am proud to be a part of this group of professionals . The public deserves access to the excellent care we can provide . We can help them understand more clearly what we do , our services , and how to access care . I also had the opportunity to speak with former AMHCA President Dr . Fred Dombrowski and Interim CEO / ED Dr . Beverly Smith , and to meet then-incoming president , Dr . Deirdra Sanders-Burnett . These conversations convinced me of their enthusiasm , professionalism , and drive to develop the only organization committed solely to clinical mental health counselors .
My Advice to My Fellow AMHCA Members
Take the reigns and help develop public awareness . Say yes to opportunities to present on mental health topics at conferences , local radio and TV stations , and parent-teacher organizations . Or advocate for suicide prevention by volunteering for helplines or mentoring younger professionals . Doing that will enable them to develop the confidence they need to , like you , make a difference in the world .
2 The Advocate Magazine 2023 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org