The Advocate Magazine 2023 Number 46, Issue 2 | Page 13

Shift # 5 : Emancipatory Research
What Can Clinical Mental Health Counselors Do ?
• Finally , traumatic stress theory acknowledges that the trauma occurs with impunity through institutional means . What this means is that LCMHCs understand that systemic oppression has deleterious physical and mental health effects on individuals .
Research has shown that there is a relationship between race-based stress and high blood pressure , cardiovascular problems , oral health issues , premature labor among pregnant women , low birth , and eating problems . In terms of psychological distress , several studies have shown the relationship between race-based stress and depression , anxiety , substance use issues , and suicidality .
Moreover , chronic stress can be transgenerational in nature . It is contextualized by historical and systemic oppression resulting from discriminatory legislation and racism . Just as there is transgenerational trauma , however , there is also transgenerational resilience . We must seek out ways in which our clients , their families , and their communities have shown resilience in the face of oppression .

Shift # 5 : Emancipatory Research

As clinical mental health counselors , we need to increase our awareness of cultural hegemony in research and assessment . We must seek clinical assessments that have been norm-referenced on communities of color and utilize their worldviews as a basis for design and construction .
Emancipatory research is a truth-affirming methodological framework that challenges the way knowledge is constructed and research is conducted . Emancipatory research places culture at the center of inquiry . It honors and validates culturally diverse ways of knowing and being . Emancipatory research aims to empower and liberate participants and improve the lives of

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Five Critical Shifts for LCMHCs

“ Just as there is transgenerational trauma , however , there is also transgenerational resilience . We must seek out ways in which our clients , their families , and their communities have shown resilience in the face of oppression .” culturally diverse people , as well as others who have been historically marginalized .
Unfortunately , conventional research that is steeped in the positivistic tradition of social science research continues to serve as a tool of oppression when it imposes Eurocentric values in the methodological process . When we apply a transcultural lens ( rather than a myopic one ), we consider the relationships among identities with the intention of developing solutions for working together . This is a more holistic approach .
Researchers using a transcultural lens examine phenomena and data from the perspective of a mutual exchange of ideas , working for the benefit of the larger good . A transcultural lens does not place more value on one cultural group over another . Emancipatory research increases transparency . Social justice-oriented clinical researchers acknowledge the myth of objectivity and understand that by revealing their biases , researchers execute increased researcher responsibility — to participants , to society , and to themselves .

What Can Clinical Mental Health Counselors Do ?

We can increase our awareness , augment our knowledge , and enhance our clinical skills by incorporating social justice into our clinical practice :
• To increase our awareness , we can challenge our way of thinking , imagine something different , expose ourselves to divergent thinkers , or take pride in diverse ways of being .
• To augment our knowledge , we can read more , observe often ( and talk less ), and ask questions ( stay curious ).
• To enhance our clinical skills , we can continue our professional development by enrolling in certificate programs , workshops , seminars , institutes , webinars , credential programs , and coursework .
Let ’ s take pride in diverse ways of being and celebrate diversity . After all , it ’ s American !
The Advocate Magazine 2023 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org 13