The Advocate Magazine 2022 Issue 3 | Page 14

DSM-5-TR : What Do You Need to Know ?
continued from page 13
Other terms are being phased out , such as Dysthymia and Social Phobia , terms that were in the parentheses for Persistent Depressive Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder , respectively . The old term “ neuroleptic medication ” is being replaced by more current terminology , such as “ antipsychotic medication ” or “ dopamine blocking agents .” There are also wording changes for Gender Dysphoria to make terms more culturally sensitive and less stigmatizing :
• “ Desired gender ” is replaced with “ experienced gender .”
• “ Cross-sex medical procedures ” is changed to “ genderaffirming medical procedures .”
• “ Natal male or female ” is changed to “ individual assigned ” male or female .
• “ Disorders in sexual development ” is now referenced as “ differences in sex development .” manual . This group looked at language as well as data support for references to race and ethnicity . Special attention was paid to ensuring that explanations considered the impact of systemic racism and discrimination as prominent risk factors . The text was also reviewed for discriminatory and stigmatizing language . Changes in wording and terminology that reflected these concerns include :
• “ Rationalized ” replaces the terms “ race / racial ” ( to emphasize the socially constructed concept of race ).
• The term “ ethnoracial ” now refers to U . S . Census groups .
• The terms “ minority ” and “ non-white ” are avoided ( to avoid hierarchical reference ).
• Latinx is used instead of Latino / Latina .
The intent of all of these cross-cutting revisions was to bring the manual up-to-date both scientifically and culturally .
The text portions following the diagnostic criteria have been updated with about three-quarters of the disorders undergoing significant revision . Sections with the most changes include :
• Prevalence , Risk and Prognostic Factors ;
• Culture-Related Diagnostic Features ,
• Sex and Gender- Related Diagnostic Features ,
• Association with Suicidal Thoughts or Behavior , and
• Comorbidity .
Special work groups reviewed the manual in terms of cultural issues , sex and gender , suicide , and forensic issues .
The Ethnoracial and Equity Work Group examined references to race and ethnicity throughout the
Additional Resources Related to the DSM-5-TR
Check on yearly updates to the DSM , including code changes , proposal portal , and public comment links at :
• American Psychiatric Association : 2022 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( DSM-5-TR ). bit . ly / 3DwWgAa
DSM-5-TR Fact Sheets ( explanation of changes ) and DSM-5-TR Online Assessment Measures are available at :
• American Psychiatric Association , Education Resources . bit . ly / 2DmJx3Z
Prolonged Grief Disorder Resources :
• Mauro C ., Tumasian R . A ., Skritskaya N ., et al . ( 2022 ). “ The Efficacy of Complicated Grief Therapy for DSM-5-TR Prolonged Grief Disorder .” World Psychiatry , 21 ( 2 ): 318 – 319 . doi : 10.1002 / wps . 20991
• Szuhany , K . L ., Malgaroli , M ., Miron , C . D ., & Simon , N . M . ( 2021 ). “ Prolonged Grief Disorder : Course , Diagnosis , Asssessment , and Treatment .” Focus , 19 ( 2 ): 161 – 172 . bit . ly / 3W3WA0t
Diagnosis and treatment resources :
Center for Prolonged Grief . ( 2022 ). Overview . The Columbia Center for Complicated Grief . bit . ly / 3zgMHme
The DSM-5-TR provides you an immediate update of all of the ICD and DSM changes since the APA released the DSM-5 almost 10 years ago . Unless you have been updating your manual ’ s codes each year and including DSM ’ s periodic updates , your DSM-5 is becoming out of date , especially for coding purposes .
As a reference tool , the DSM-5-TR provides a new model right off the showroom floor with a few extra whistles and bells . The updated reference material means that when you look up information on a disorder , it will be closer to our current state of knowledge .
The manual is available in both printed and electronic form ( see the pros and cons of each in the box on page 13 ).
Whichever you go with , the key point to remember is that DSM-5-TR is much more than a text revision . It has undergone some important fine-tuning , updating , and additions that would have made it worthy of being designated DSM-5.1 .
14 The Advocate Magazine 2022 , Issue # 3 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org