The Advocate Magazine 2022 Issue 2 | Page 23

Treatment Challenges and Approaches for
Addicted Adolescents continued from page 22
when it may not seem to be . Innovative measures that parents and guardians can use include encouraging a good circle of friends for their child and ensuring that more mentors are available to the child . It is critical that parents understand the importance of not allowing their children to simply leave the house with no accountability or network of resources . Good group activities — through participation in sports , community events , and religious groups — often prove very effective . After-school programs and mentoring programs can also have a very positive impact on youngsters . The primary goal of education for guardians is that they realize and accept that they must provide some type of supervision , through whatever means necessary , to ensure their child ’ s successful recovery from substance use .
• Influence plays a powerful role in behavior and is often at the heart of addiction . Adults are important role models for their children . Consider the different experiences of two families . In one family , the mother smoked tobacco regularly and the father used tobacco from time to time . Eventually , the father pulled their four children aside and told them how important it was to him that they learn not to smoke . To set the right example , he threw away all of his tobacco products ( cigars and an empty pipe ) in front of his children and never used tobacco again . As the children aged , all four heeded their father ’ s admonition and followed his example . In another family in which both parents used tobacco , the parents told their children that tobacco isn ’ t good for them and that they hoped their kids wouldn ’ t take up smoking , but neither parent stopped smoking themselves . The powerful example they set by their behavior outweighed their cautionary message , and all of the children in that family ended up becoming tobacco users . Parents and guardians are typical role models for their children , but if these adults aren ’ t sufficiently engaged in their children ’ s lives , their children may not be significantly influenced by these adults . As children become teens and the influence of their peers increases , parents and guardians might consider who in their children ’ s life would make a good role model , and seek them out . Guardians and others must pay careful attention to whom the child sees regularly — who influences the child ? It ’ s not always a comfortable concept for children or parents to accept , but children usually end up behaving like those who influenced them the most . Substance-using role models lead to substance-using mentees .
• Accountability . The previous forms of effective treatment appropriately lead to the concept of accountability . Addicts must be held accountable for their actions . Thus , they need people in their lives who can serve as accountability partners . The work of the late Mark Laaser ( especially his “ Men of Valor ” book series , which has a spiritual foundation ) provides helpful guidelines regarding accountability . While the books focus on behavioral addiction ( especially pornography addiction ), the concepts can be easily adapted and used with all types of addiction . Addicts cannot usually overcome their negative behaviors alone . The concept is only compounded among adolescents . Using an accountability network outside of family and close friends , having different accountability partners for different areas of life ( work , home , school , hobbies ), and utilizing at least eight accountability partners ( think of an accountability network ) are all good interventions .
Providing clients and their parents or guardians with the necessary education , supervision , good role models , and an accountability network is key to successful addiction treatment . It also demonstrates that it takes a group of people to effectively treat addicted adolescents . The social aspect of successful behavior changes shines forth again .
If the past 10 years are any indication of what the next 10 years will be like , it ’ s reasonable to predict that every state in the nation will eventually completely legalize recreational marijuana use . The decriminalization of marijuana in every state is also foreseeable . Even if that happens , however , adolescents would still be breaking the law if they used marijuana in places where its use is legal for adults .
The possibility that adolescents who use marijuana illegally may experience a downward trend is clearly recognizable . While the concept of marijuana use being a gateway to other undesirable behavior or other drugs is not overarchingly applicable , it still needs to be considered . Youths who use marijuana have broken the law . Will they be more inclined to break other laws ? Youths who use marijuana have engaged in using one substance . Will they engage in other more harmful activities or substances ?
Behavioral health professionals must also consider the network in which the client lives . Regardless of changes in marijuana laws , treatment for addicted adolescents promises to continue to be controversial , changing , and challenging . The professionals who work with these clients have an exciting and innovative future .
The Advocate Magazine 2022 , Issue # 2 American Mental Health Counselors Association ( AMHCA ) www . amhca . org 23