The Advancing 21st Century Policing Community Report 2017 The Advancing 21st Century Policing Community Repo | Page 3
A Message to the Community
The Arlington Police Department is proud to present its Advancing 21 st Century
Policing Report to the Community.
This report was written and compiled during times of great challenge and social
conflict involving the role and function of police in our society. Officer involved
shootings and in-custody deaths have re-ignited the national conversation about
police use of force. This issue has exposed an absence of trust and legitimacy
between law enforcement and segments of our society, particularly communities
of color.
A 21 st Century Policing Task Force was created at the national level to identify
best practices and offer recommendations on how policing in America can
promote effective crime reduction while building trust and promoting officer
wellness and safety.
Police Chief Will Johnson
The Arlington Police Department is proud to have been one of 15 law
enforcement agencies selected to lead this national initiative. Our commitment
to community policing and procedural justice is helping us build trust and police
legitimacy in our community.
In 2017, we assembled a committee of uniform and civilian staff led by Lt. Brook
Rollins. Their task was to inventory what we do and determine how it aligns
with the six pillars set forth in the 21 st Century Policing National Report. These
six pillars are commonly known as the “Gold Standards of Policing.” We have
identified each pillar in this report.
Lt. Brook Rollins, Chair
Many individuals in this organization contributed to this effort. In reality,
this report reflects the organization’s commitment to our core values and the
unwavering support we receive from the community. A report like this provides
an important forum for the review and discussion of what is most critical to our
We thank you for your continued support and we welcome your comments and
feedback on this report. Send ideas to [email protected].
Will D. Johnson
Police Chief