The Advancing 21st Century Policing Community Report 2017 The Advancing 21st Century Policing Community Repo | Page 14
Advancing 21 st Century Policing: The Arlington Police Department Report to the Community
Police officers walk into risky situations and encounter tragedy almost
every day. The wellness and safety of law enforcement officers are critical
to the overall success of public safety in the twenty-first century. The City of
Arlington and the Arlington Police Department are committed to promoting
a culture of health and wellness within the workforce and rewards
employees who take proactive and preventative measures.
Examples of officer wellness and safety:
Wellness For Life
The City of Arlington Wellness for Life program offers
the tools necessary to help employees make lifestyle
choices that can improve their overall health. Officers
who choose to participate in this program receive a
cash payout along with a reduction in healthcare
costs. During the program, officers earn points by
completing the annual physical exam, tracking
workouts, attending employee health fairs and
workshops. Additionally, all employees are provided
access to City of Arlington recreational facilities at
discounted rates.
Introducing the modified work schedule
The Arlington Police Department implemented an
alternative four-day schedule for select officers and
civilian staff. Working 10-hour shifts, the department
has a goal to reduce absenteeism, decrease stress
and improve the mental and physical health of
officers. Research findings from a Police Foundation
Shift-Length Experiment revealed that officers
working an alternative work schedule enjoyed a
significantly higher quality of life. They also gained
more hours of rest and the number of overtime hours
was significantly lowered. APD allows officers to bid
for shifts each year based on seniority, which enables
everyone to plan vacations and training around their
regular days off. The modified work schedule is
another example of the value that APD places on
overall safety and wellness.
Every law enforcement officer is provided with a
tactical first aid kit and anti-ballistic vest
Officers are provided training on the importance of
the tactical first aid kit. Trauma packs are also issued.
Higher level ballistic vests and helmets have been
distributed to all front-line officers. The department is
currently in the process of issuing ballistic shields.
Officers lead active, healthy lifestyles.
Weight room facilities like this one at the Ott Cribbs Public
Safety Building allows officers to maintain fitness goals.