THE ADDRESS Magazine No.21 | Page 393

are equal and both will stick in my mind. Best is not always the same as favourite so what’s your favourite restaurant in the world? A tough question to answer, I’ve enjoyed some great meals over the years at Arpege, Fera, The Clove Club, The W Hotel in Barcelona, and L’Egg by Paco Perez in Barcelona. What’s your current food obsession? Seafood charcuterie is something I have recently introduced at Mews of Mayfair. I have lots of obsessions, but with two restaurants to juggle there’s always hundreds of things in my head that I want to do and try. When you’re making up a recipe, is it like writing a song? How much of it comes in the moment? Most of it comes in the moment; I might see something when I am out or watching TV, then the idea forms and I take it from there. What do you cook at home? Depends on my mood, I could live on sandwiches! Or a simple pasta and spicy primavera sauce or chicken salad, just something quick and easy but tasty - I try to keep it healthy. 393