THE ADDRESS Magazine No.20 | Page 344

western food culture. I consider myself pretty lucky because, in search of inspiration, I have ideas that come in very different ways. Which chefs do you admire the most, and why? If I tell you, I will have to kill you. Actually….too many to mention! How do you define your cuisine? Well considered? Ha ha! My cuisine offers a dining experience that touches on emotions that go untouched when looking at a piece of art. What would your last meal be? Russian salad with a 250g tin of caviar; Piedmontese agnolotti in broth with white truffle; my mother’s escalope ‘alla Valdostana’ and my sister Barbara’s panna cotta. Do you see yourself as a celebrity chef? Absolutely! Ha ha! What’s been the highlight of your career so far? I actually have a list of highlights of my career I could share. For sure, when I had in the same room at Combal.Zero, at the same time Helmut Kohl, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Wałęsa and Giulio Andreotti. All characters that helped in contributing with building the modern Europe of today. What are your three favourite ingredients? Eggs. The most beautiful object of design in the world. Potato and veal broth. Can we squeeze a fourth one? White truffle. You have had the fortune of travelling across the globe. Can you share two of your favourite experiences as far as your culinary expeditions are concerned? I have an interminable list actually. I remember I went to Finland for an event with other fellow chefs and I packed salmon trout in moss and baked it in a hole in the ground! Everybody 350 thought I was mental. Or maybe I am! Then, recently I was fortunate enough to travel throughout Australia. I discovered so many indigenous ingredients I never even knew existed and met some great people along the way. One of the highlights was the gala dinner at MONA, Hobart, with some of the world’s best-known chefs and international foodies and influencers. What is the one kitchen tool you could not live without? The ladle What have been your career highs and lows? Oh dear! My entire life is made of ups and downs – personally and professionally! Which of your dishes are you most fond of? Always the last dish I created. What golden rules do you have in the kitchen? 1) nter the kitchen with a thought E 2) Stay in the kitchen with a thought 3) eave the kitchen with a thought L What is the most underrated ingredient is? Why? Salt. Because often we undervalue how important it is for our health. What do Michelin stars mean for you? The traditional acknowledgement of a chef. Who do you think are the chefs to watch in 2015? All those chefs that have something really new to say and share. What are your plans for the future? Wrong person to ask! I don’t even know what I am doing today! Try two Davide’s signature dishes at home: Cyber Eggs and Spaghetti Pizza Margherita