boundaries, so bless us Lord! Hallelujah!
2nd CORINTHIANS 4 : 4 - 6 says,
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the
minds of them which believe not, lest the light of
the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of
God, should shine unto them.For we preach not
ourselves , but Christ Jesus the Lord; and oursleves your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who
commanded the light to shine out of darkness,
hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
If we see the glory of Jesus, we will be blessed. The eyes of non - believers, people who
do not believe in the miracles and wonders
have been blinded by Satan. We are limited
to the amount of revelation knowledge that is
revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. Heaven is
at risk once the knowledge has been revealed
to us. Heaven has to fulfill whatever has been
revealed to us. If we receive a vision, then it
is the duty of Heaven to fulfill it. There is no
failure for us but only 100% success.
God does not complain when he sees darkness
but calls forth the light. Even we should speak
in the same manner, call health in sickness, call
money in lack etc. and things to change when
they are bad. Such a God is our God and we
being His children should also have His qualities. Yes! When we are in a holy gathering, we
can change our atmosphere. From darkness to
light, poverty to abundance, death to resurrection etc. We should make people know who
our God is. If we have no revelation from the
Holy Spirit, then we will be in darkness. We
should ask the Holy Spirit to teach us great
mysteries, new words, new anointing and new
miracles. If we ask God, He will teach us what
an eye did not see, ear did not hear and mind
could not comprehend.
God can create a new thing in our life and
also to the whole world. He is an eternal creator who can create an infinite number of inventions. We have to tap into it and become a
unique person in the history. We should create
our own history by partaking in the divine
nature of God. We should not be limited to
human nature. Jesus who called forth light is
our brother. So, the God in heaven is our father and we should also call forth light from
darkness. We should change each others bad
circumstances by calling forth. If our situation is not changing, we should look out for a
person who needs a change and prophesy over
him. Then we will reap a harvest and change
our atmosphere forever. We are God’s children
and brothers of Christ. If we sow light, we
get light. Our visible atmosphere is bound to
2nd CORINTHIANS 4 : 7 says,
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that
the excellency of the power may be of God and
not of us.
There is no treasure in the people of the world
but only in us, who believe in Christ. And
with this treasure we change the circumstances
and atmosphere. When we believed in Christ,
our earthly body received the ability, ‘Power’
to change things. Law will depress us, put us
in guilt, shame, condemnation and disqualify us. But Grace unveils the power of God
in us. A mighty ability has been deposited in
us. Today, there will be an exchange of power between God and us. “Lord Jesus, let us
exchange power, for till now, I have become
tired, am defeated and cannot go any further.”
So by the exchanged power we can change
the atmosphere for ourselves and others. We
should fill the world with light as we are the
Light of the World.
We are not ordinary people but we are people with God’s ability. Satan beware! We will
fight with you for all our depressions, sicknesses, troubles etc. We have divine nature as
we are partakers with God. The divine nature
has been imputed into us by Jesus Christ of
Nazareth himself. For all who believe in Jesus, this has been deposited in their Spirit and
it is fixed. But from today it will unleash in
a mighty way. No person or devil can stop
this power. Hallelujah! Nobody can stop us.
So from today, everyone of us will enjoy our
unlimited dreams. “ I will change my circumstances and atmosphere. Nobody can stop me
for there is such a great treasure in me. Lord
Jesus, I will not leave you.” This is the power
of the Gospel! Amen.
have divine
nature as we
are partakers
with God. The
divine nature
has been imputed into us
by Jesus Christ
of Nazareth
The Acts September 2013