The Acts of Women of Power Summer 2016 The Acts of Women of Power Summer 2016 | Page 7

Called into ministry in 2010 as a traveling Evangelist, God planted a Ministerial Women’s Ministry seed and it was birthed shortly thereafter. Evangelist laughed It was one of the fastest births she had ever experienced. Recalling the conservation, she had with the Lord when He said it was not going to be an easy task, Evangelist says her response was, Lord I don’t even like women, why would you ask this of me? The response wasn’t what she wanted to hear because He said, The very thing you don’t like you will labor with until you learn to love it. So The Women of Word Ministries was birthed, and born in September of 2010. Many challenges came with the call, it started off really well though, it seemed all the women there were on one accord, until God began using some and not others. This is one of the biggest problems I find next to having a committed team of women working with you and your vision. TAOWOP- What is the one of the greatest misconception about ministering? TAOWOP- Have you experienced challenges balancing life vs ministry? A misconception in ministry is thinking everybody will be for you. No this is not true everybody will not like you nor will they agree with you it’s all part of God’s plan of separating the sheep from the goat. Another misconception in ministry is thinking you will be compensated for your labor. Sometimes in order to fulfill the assignment you may have to empty your finances to get the job done and trust me God replenishes! Spiritual impartation and being spiritually pregnant is a privilege and an honor. Just like anything in life, once it’s here you make adjustments. We multitask and learn balance quickly. TAOWOP- As a multi-faceted woman in ministry; what is one of your greatest accomplishments? In the 6 years of doing ministry, my greatest accomplishment in ministry is birthing the ministries that God placed into my spirit,15 Reasons to Hope, Women of Word Ministries, S.H.E.R.O. Magazine, and now H.E.R.O MAGAZINE. The seeds, birthing, and the manifestation of ministries were well worth the sacrifice. It’s a feeling of IT IS FINISHED! in a sense yet it is only the beginning. TAOWOP- As