Healed from 10 years of Thigh Bone Pain
I am Venkateswar Rao from Eluru. I have come to Hyderabad on official work and
at present I am residing at Safilguda. My thigh bone was worn out 10 years ago. The right
thigh bone was worn out 70% and the left thigh bone 30%. The doctors advised for a surgery but only when the left thigh bone is also worn out completely. After being transferred
to Hyderabad, I have started attending JCNM regularly. My faith levels increased after listening to the sermons of Man of God K. Shyam Kishore and I stopped using medicines.
Man of God prayed for me and immediately I was healed of my thigh bone pain of 10 years. I thank God for my
healing and Man of God for his prayer.
Dear beloved sisters
and brothers,
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great testimonies of
your life that you have
experienced in the
Name of Jesus. Your
testimonies will comfort
many who are heart
broken. So let us help
them to personally
experience great
miracles in their lives.
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JCNM C/O Crystal
Ring Road, Beside
P.V.N.R. Flyover,
Pillar No: 86
Hyderabad 500006.
Healed from Infection in
the Heart
Healed from Liver Problem
Healed from 20 years of
Diabetes and Headache
I am Padma from Chilkanagar,
Hyderabad. I have been attending JCNM since