fering from throat pain, lay your
hands on your throat and participate in the prayer". I knelt down
and prayed. Immediately I was
relieved from my throat pain. I
thank God for healing me! Now
I am able to eat and drink without pain. I thank Brother Shyam
Kishore for his prayer.
7 Healed from 11 years of 9.Healed from KIDNEY
I am Sabitha Victor from
L.B.Nagar. I have been suffering from Thyroid since 11 years.
I have consulted many famous
doctors but I was not healed.
Actually the range of Thyroid
should be between 0.352 to 5.5.
But my thyroid levels were 437
and I have been suffering from
6. Healed from
body pains because of it. BrothEXCESSIVE BLEEDING.
er Shyam Kishore prayed for
I am Haveli Rani me when I attended the service
from Neredmet. I have been at- once. All the reports have come
tending JCNM since 1 year. I de- normal after that. I thank God
livered a baby boy on May 20th
2012. I have been suffering from and Brother Shyam Kishore.
excessive bleeding since then.
I came to the service in the last
week of December with severe
pain in the stomach. I struggled
to sit but, I believed that God
would do a miracle for me. My
husband asked me to come out
of the church as I was unable to
bear the pain. I did not move an
8. Delivered from SMOKING
inch expecting a miracle. After
the prayer, we went home. From ADDICTION AFTER THE
that day, I have been healed of BAPTISM.
my excessive bleeding. I have'nt I am Narasimha Murthy from Atfaced any problem since then. tapur. I have been smoking since
I am completely healed. I thank 30 years. I participated in the
Holy Communion here in JCNM
God for my healing.
but could not kick the bad habit.
I took Baptism in JCNM in December 2012. After that I have
stopped smoking completely.
Hallelujah! I have been delivered
I am M.D.V. Prasad from
Kukatpally. I have been suffering
from stones in the Kidney since
a long time. I visited a lot of doctors but was not healed. My uncle brought the JCNM prayer oil
and gave it to me. He asked me
to use it to see relief. After using
the JCNM prayer oil, the stones
were pushed out. I was relieved
of the pain immediately. I thank
God for my healing.
10. Healed
I am Avinash from
Khammam. I have been attending JCNM since 2 years. I have
SLE disease from 2008. SLE disease is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus which is a long - term
autoimmune disorder that may
affect the skin, joints, kidneys,
brain and other organs. When
I got myself tested, the doctors told me that I have to use
medicines for my life time. I was
grieved at my siuation because I
could not work and mingle along
with other people. When Brother Shyam Kishore prayed, I was
healed ! Hallelujah
of this Addiction completely.