Glory to the Lord, Hallelujah!
Dear Believers in Christ,
The seventh month brings hope and expectations
of great rest for us. God rested on the seventh day after
creating His beautiful creation. We, who are striving for the
fulfillment of our Vision should also expect great things and
rest in this month. Expect great and mighty blessings in all
The message scheduled for this month also
inspire us to read the word, pray fervently and confess our
Vision zealously. ' The Fallow Ground ', is the message which
talks about making our unfavourable circumstances into
favourable circumstances. It reveals how we can seek God
continually in our trials and tribulations and change our conditions. We can change our fallow ground to fertile ground by
always giving our time to God.
The second message, ' Travail ' is a prophetic message. ' Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess ' is very
often quoted. It was prophesied by Isaiah and is yet to take
place. A prophecy or a vision, can only be fulfilled through
prayer. So, here we are instructed to pray fervently to see the
The third message, “Veil” is a message which will
help us know who we are and how we can have Victory over
The messages show us a way to achieve our
targets and be blessed. The divine messages and inspiring
testimonies will strengten you all. Hope for divine blessings
and great testimonies. Get ready for a great rest of showers of
God Bless.