THE ACTS July 2013 English | Page 12

Jesus praying to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane fulfilled. If we want to start something new, we should start it with a prayer. Jesus was healing many people. He prayed to His father saying, Father if you have given me the power to heal, give it to my disciples also and anoint them. And when the disciples ap- proached Jesus, He anointed them and gave them the authority to pray and sent them. The very same disciples said “We do not know the man who had done such miracles, Those disciples joined together and prayed together and they were anointed with the holy spirit and the earth turned upside down. So, let us also gather together and pray fervently with one word such that our vision will be fulfilled, we will be delivered and deliver others out of their griefs, troubles and sorrow. As the disiciples made a mark, we also should strive to achieve our goals “No sickness, No Lack and Death under our Feet”. Amen. When Jesus prayed, His body was filled with Glory 11