as they were under the law. The law is
an outward instruction. But Grace is inwards, within us. So, what could not be
done in so many years will be done within days. This is the power of Grace and
we have to believe it. What law could not
do, Jesus fulfilled it and we should just
believe and receive.
completely receive the knowledge of
Christ, then Satan will be afraid of us.
This revelation knowledge will destroy
satan for ever and ever. Satan will obstruct us from praying, once we accept
Jesus. He will not give us time to read
the Word and meditate. He will obstruct
us for that 1 hour that we are supposed
MATTHEW 28 : 18 says,
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven
and in earth.
Jesus says that after the cross, everything has been given to him. Jesus on
the cross received complete power and
authority. So, there is nothing above
him . Now Jesus is giving that glory and
honour to the church.
The plan of God is that all things
should be under the feet of the whole
mankind. Nothing should trouble man.
And he should be far above everything.
If we are far above everything, what will
be fulfilled? “ Thy Kingdom come on
earth as it is in heaven,” will be fulfilled
in our lives. “ Death under the feet of the
Church” is the fullness of Salvation. This
is God’s will ! When we pray for it, we
should believe. Then it will be fulfilled.
Jesus died for everyman so that he
can believe in Jesus and partake of the
glory and honour and not be subjected
to the devil and his angels so that we can
rule on the earth. When we see Jesus as
the person who has received the crown
of glory and honour , we will be changed
into the likeness of his image. Jesus
was victorious over death. For Jesus it
was death but now for us it is victory.
Christ is the victory, Faith is the victory
and Cross is the victory. For us cross is
not persecution but glory, honour and
One person has prophesied, one
person has unravelled the mystery and
now after 2000 years, the Holy Spirit
has given us the ability to understand
it. In this dispensation we are unravelling
the mystery. The devil is a revelation
stealer. If we only know Jesus, then it is
not a problem for satan. But if we get
the knowledge, establish ourselves and
to pray. He will keep us very busy. We
should pray for the revelation knowledge
by which we can conquer everything.
Only the power of grace can change everything. Jesus was also born lower than
the angels and he died . But he brought
everything under his feet. Only the grace
in Jesus has the power to change things.
COLOSSIANS 2 : 14 says,
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary
to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it
to his cross;
Christ Victoriously triumphed over
every devil on the cross. Jesus was a little
troubled to go to the cross. He knew that
he would be brutally beaten. He asked
the Father some power to overcome it.
He who did not know sin, became a
great sinner for the sake of others. Jesus
The Acts December 2013