The 9th 1/2019 | Page 9

This social body gained prominence not only in relation to the plot, but also in relation to the staging in the Greek arenas: women were not allowed to act, therefore men represented them on the scene. Imagine signing the play? Susan Glaspell, in 1916, hands us Trifles, a piece written by a woman about women and helps to break this scene with a work worthy of many adaptations, the way Hollywood likes. The plot of the play revolves around the murder of John Wright, which occurred in his own home. After John’s wife, Mrs. Wright, was found expressionless by neighbor Mr. Hale, he gets word that John had been murdered overnight. The next day, a search for evidence is initiated and we are introduced to the other characters. For those of you who liked the Big Little Lies (HBO) series, released in 2017, this month's reading will come in handy: as well as the series directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, the play Trifles gives us a narrative full of symbologies and suspense, which refer to the dichotomous relations between men and women and, above all, how the union between women prevails.