The 9th 1/2019 | Page 4

written by:

Brenda buhr


WE all learned that culture is responsible for society’s creations, such as laws, artistic manifestations, moral, ethics, and, as the object of the following article: language. Fatiha Guessabi is beyond this, saying that the meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group, so, to interact with a language means to do so with the culture which is its source point. We could never understand a culture without having direct access to its language because of their intimate connection. Language cannot be dissociated of its culture, once this connection is vital for two of the many chores the professional of language performs: teaching and translating.

Fatiha Guessabi is beyond this, saying that the meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group, so, to interact with a language means to do so with the culture which is its source point.



In teaching approaches, there are the direct and the communicative methods, and every method has its peculiarities focusing on the profile of the students and the objectives of the exercises or lessons. For example, a class of 40 students will probably learn more with the direct method, while the communicative approach is better for smaller groups, once the teacher has more time to give the necessary attention to the students. Anyway, the methods and techniques are only different ways to go to the same destiny: a fluent or accurate use of language. What many teachers and scholars forget is that teaching language using only metalinguistic explanations or texts written especially for school