The 9th 1/2019 | Page 26

The Long Night was the highpoint of the season and had various remarkable positive points: the characters discussed a plan to the event, the preparation for the war was shown and, except for some weak incoherent battle plans; the scenes sequence was fabulous and surprising. The characters went through real struggle, even though having dragons as a weapon but by the end, the savior was not someone obvious and expected from the public: they were capable of surprising the audience from the beginning until the end of the episode. From this epic episode on, it went all downhill. With each episode getting worse and worse.

The following episodes showed the public just how eager the producers were to be done with the show. The lack of complex dialogues, fast developing of narrative (always cutting to the next scene way too fast), and the immature handling of plot twists didn’t please the fans, but instead got them angry. There were even something concerning coffee mugs and plastic water bottles being left in the middle of the scenes, a major blooper. Not only were they very much visible on everybody's screens, but also showed the rather lazy polishing of sets and the careless and inattentive editing work. How can there be a plastic water bottle in a feudalism-based story?