Review Game of Thrones Season 8
written by:
Ana Teresa Gontijo, Paula Faleiro and Vivian Lopes
The last season of Game of Thrones, the biggest event in worldwide cable television since perhaps September 29, Breaking Bad, was one of the most expected shows, and things in general, of this year. It initiated on April 14 and ended on May 19. With only six final episodes, the promise was a big ending and episodes of long running. Each episode was almost a movie and the TV show holds an enormous structure and special effects. However, these six long-running and of expensive costs episodes were only a great decline of what could have been the best TV show of all times.
This season had to develop two big plots: The Long Night, which is the battle of the living against the dead (white walkers), and the Final Battle for the Iron Throne, which is the fight of Queen Daenerys Targaryen and Queen Cersei Lannister, which has already been established in the previous season. Thus, it’s clear that these two grand events with a lot of action being packed into only six episodes couldn't end up being good. The results was a season that relied only on action scenes, and no outstanding dialogues, which was a characteristic that defined the show. There were barely any scenes about political movements and decision-making, only the action, which, in most part, contradicted the script with no explanation.