written by:
Desiane Prado and
10 – Do you spend a long time using your smartphone and computer? Maybe, it is a great time to practice your English. Try changing the language of your gadgets and improve a lot your vocabulary.
9- Everybody says that watching TV series is a great way to improve your English. However, what is the right way to do it? If you are a beginner, watch the episodes in English with the subtitles in Portuguese. In addition, if you have a more advanced English, watch all in English and maybe even without subtitles! It is a huge challenge!
8- There are many apps that can help you to learn English. Have you ever heard about Duolingo? Download the app and start practicing now!
7- Reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary and it is possible to find many books available online. Search for good basic books in English, choose one, download and study the book. You can highlight the vocabulary you do not know and check the pronunciation on Linguee.
6- Do you have a friend or a relative that is good in English? Ask this person for help. Speak with this person only in English even on the social medias. You will feel a big difference in your improvement.