This is one of the most important tenets of being a fashion citizen.
Colour is a great way to evoke power, subtlety, grace or fire. Use
colour just like you would an accessory. If you wake up feeling
powerful and ready to take on the world, select a strong colour
like a red or cobalt blue. Pair that colour with neutrals or black
or if you’re feeling especially daring, go for a monochromatic (all
one colour) look. Some may have jobs where they can’t wear as
much colour as they’d like and I’ve got a remedy: socks! A pair of
funky socks is a great way to keep things interesting and fun in your
wardrobe while still keeping a polished, corporate look.
Leather, tweed, lace and the like are also ways to show off who you are
and to change up your look based on what you want the world to see
that day. You can pair a lace blouse with a leather jacket for a sweet but
tough look, or gents, you can wear a tweed blazer and a denim shirt
for a bit of upgraded casual. One of the best things to do with texture
is wear that monochromatic look we talked about earlier and have the
pieces be different textures. For instance, a grey silk blouse, a grey wool
skirt and dappled grey reptile print pumps. It saves you from blending
in…after all, being a fashion citizen is all about standing out.
Now, I know many people have reservations about thrifting
or secondhand. I’ve heard some of the craziest notions
about thrifted clothes and they’re pretty much all untrue. A
good washing or dry cleaning and they’re good as new. The
reason why I suggest vintage or thrifted pieces is because
they’re always different from anything available in the mass
market. That jacket, that dress, those pumps are probably
a few seasons old or decades old. You’re bringing new life
to that 70’s leather jacket or that clutch bag from the 50’s
by wearing it your own way. That t-shirt that has a faded
cartoon character on it paired with your favourite jeans and a
motorcycle jacket is a perfect weekend look and, most times,
it costs you a fraction of what a brand-new tee would.
Search social: @fashioncitizen
Colour, texture and vintage/thrift finds are just three ways
that anyone can jump in on the Fashion Citizen movement.
It’s all about you! How do you feel today? What’s the mood
you’re going for? Don’t be afraid to try a new look or
incorporate a new colour into your everyday look. Yes, you
may have some mistakes and some looks you won’t wear
again. That’s the fun in this, discovering more about yourself
through your style. You’re a fashion citizen and I can’t wait to
see how you show that to the world.